SB546,14,5 3(13) "Tobacco vending machine" is any mechanical device that automatically
4dispenses cigarettes or tobacco products when specified coins are deposited in the
5device in payment for the cigarettes or tobacco products.
SB546,14,10 6(14) "Tobacco vending machine operator" means a person who acquires tobacco
7products or stamped cigarettes from manufacturers or permittees, stores them and
8sells them through the medium of tobacco vending machines that he or she owns,
9operates or services and that are located on premises that are owned or under the
10control of other persons.
SB546,14,12 11(15) "Tobacco vending machine premises" includes the room or area in which
12a tobacco vending machine is located.
SB546, s. 41 13Section 41. 254.914 (1m) and (2) of the statutes are created to read:
SB546,14,2114 254.914 (1m) A retailer or the retailer's employe or agent may not sell, expose
15for sale, exchange, barter, dispose of or give away any cigarettes or tobacco products
16to anyone who is not licensed under this section or who does not hold a permit under
17ss. 139.30 to 139.41 or 139.79 unless the sale, exposure, exchange, bartering,
18disposing or gift occurs on the premises described in the license and unless both the
19retailer or the retailer's employe or agent and the buyer, exchanger, barterer, donee
20or other receiver of the cigarettes or tobacco products are physically present on the
21premises during the sale, exposure, exchange, bartering, disposing or gifting.
SB546,15,3 22(2) An applicant for a license under this section shall complete the application
23prepared by the department and provide, in writing, any additional information that
24the department requires, including the applicant's signature to a statement,
25provided by the department, that indicates that the applicant has knowledge of the

1laws governing sales and gifting of cigarettes or tobacco products. The department
2shall also provide the applicant with information on ways to prevent cigarette or
3tobacco products sales to minors.
SB546, s. 42 4Section 42. 254.914 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB546,15,65 254.914 (5) Upon request, the department shall provide a current list of
6persons or establishments that are licensed under this section.
SB546, s. 43 7Section 43. 254.914 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB546,15,128 254.914 (8) If the department imposes a forfeiture on or revokes the license of
9a person under sub. (7), the department shall promptly mail notice of the forfeiture
10imposition or license revocation to the department of revenue and to the local health
11department that is designated as the department's agent under s. 254.916 whose
12jurisdiction, if so designated, includes the retailer.
SB546, s. 44 13Section 44. 254.916 of the statutes is created to read:
SB546,16,2 14254.916 Agent status for local health departments. (1) In the
15administration of this subchapter, the department may enter into a written
16agreement with a local health department with a jurisdictional area that has a
17population of more than 5,000, which designates the local health department as the
18department's agent in issuing or, if applicable, suspending licenses under s. 254.914
19and making investigations or inspections of retailers, tobacco vending machine
20operators, tobacco vending machine premises and tobacco vending machines. In a
21jurisdictional area of a local health department that is not so designated, the
22department of health and family services may issue licenses, collect licenses fees and
23make investigations or inspections of retailers, tobacco vending machine operators,
24tobacco vending machine premises and tobacco vending machines. If the department
25designates a local health department as its agent, the department or local health

1department may require no license for the same operations other than the license
2issued by the local health department.
SB546,16,13 3(2) A local health department that is designated as the department's agent
4under this section, in conducting inspections authorized under sub. (1), may
5authorize the use of minors aged 14 to 17, who are supervised by an adult, to assist
6in performance of governmental or nongovernmental research to monitor
7compliance with s. 254.92. The local health department or a law enforcement officer
8may solicit minors aged 14 to 17 to conduct undercover operations to purchase or
9attempt to purchase cigarettes or tobacco products. The local health department or
10a law enforcement officer shall inspect signs or notices required under s. 254.92 (1)
11(b) and the placement of tobacco vending machines as required under s. 254.92 (1)
12(c). The local health department shall annually conduct all of the following random,
13unannounced inspections:
SB546,16,1414 (a) On licensees whose premises are not taverns, at least 2 inspections.
SB546,16,1515 (b) On licensees whose premises are taverns, at least one inspection.
SB546,16,22 16(3) A local health department that is designated as the department's agent
17under this section shall meet standards promulgated, by rule, by the department of
18health and family services. The department shall annually evaluate the licensing,
19investigation and inspection program of each local health department that is
20designated as the department's agent. If, at any time, a local health department that
21is designated as the department's agent fails to meet the standards, the department
22of health and family services may revoke the designation as agent.
SB546,16,25 23(4) The department shall provide education and training to agents designated
24under this section to ensure uniformity in the enforcement of this subchapter and
25rules promulgated under this subchapter.
1(5) Except as provided in sub. (6), a local health department that is designated
2as the department's agent under this section shall establish and collect the license
3fee for each applicant under s. 254.914 (3). The local health department may
4establish separate fees for preinspections of new applicants and for preinspections
5of existing licensees for which a person intends to be the new operator. Separate fees
6may not exceed the local health department's reasonable costs of making inspections
7and preinspections and providing education, training and technical assistance to the
8applicants or licensees.
SB546,17,13 9(6) A local health department that is designated as the department's agent
10under this section may contract with the department of health and family services
11for the department of health and family services to collect fees and issue licenses.
12The department shall collect from the local health department the actual and
13reasonable cost of providing the services.
SB546,17,19 14(7) Unless sub. (6) or (8) applies, the department shall receive $10 of each
15license fee paid under s. 254.914 (3) for its costs related to setting standards under
16this subchapter and monitoring and evaluating the activities of, and providing
17education and training to, agent local health departments. Agent local health
18departments shall collect the fees and reimburse the department for the amount
19required under this subsection.
SB546,18,2 20(8) If, under this section, a local health department becomes an agent or its
21agent designation is revoked during a licensee's license year, the department of
22health and family services and the local health department shall divide any license
23fee paid by the licensee for that license year according to the proportions of the license
24year occurring before and after the local health department is designated as agent

1or the designation is revoked. No additional fee may be required during the license
2year due to the change in agent designation.
SB546,18,15 3(9) Except as provided in s. 254.92 (5), a county, town, village or city may enact
4ordinances and a local board of health may adopt regulations regarding the licensees
5and premises over which the department or the local health department that is the
6department's designated agent under this section has jurisdiction, for which the
7requirements are at least as strict as this subchapter or rules promulgated by the
8department of health and family services under this subchapter. Such an ordinance
9shall provide for civil forfeitures instead of the forfeitures that may be imposed by
10the department under s. 254.914 (7) and shall require a court to act in place of the
11department under s. 254.914 (7) and to notify the department and, if applicable, the
12local health department of the court action. Under such an ordinance, only one
13charge may result from each violation. A county ordinance enacted under this
14subsection does not apply within any town, village or city that has enacted or enacts
15an ordinance under this subsection.
SB546,18,21 16(10) This section does not limit the authority of the department to inspect
17establishments in jurisdictional areas of local health departments that are
18designated as the department's agents if the department inspects in response to an
19emergency, for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the local health
20department's licensing, inspection and enforcement program or at the request of the
21local health department.
SB546,18,24 22(11) The department shall hold a hearing under ch. 227 if any interested
23person, in lieu of proceeding under ch. 68, appeals to the department alleging any of
24the following:
1(a) A license fee established by a local health department that is designated as
2the department's agent under this section exceeds the reasonable costs described
3under sub. (5).
SB546,19,84 (b) The person issuing, refusing to issue, suspending or revoking a license or
5making an investigation or inspection of the appellant has a financial interest in a
6regulated cigarette and tobacco product retailer, tobacco vending machine operator,
7tobacco vending machine premises or tobacco vending machine which may interfere
8with his or her ability to properly take that action.
SB546, s. 45 9Section 45. 254.92 (2) (c) and (d) of the statutes are created to read:
SB546,19,1310 254.92 (2) (c) A minor aged 14 to 17 may purchase or possess cigarettes or
11tobacco products for the sole purpose of assisting in the conduct of undercover
12operations for which the minor is solicited by a local health department as authorized
13under s. 254.916 (2).
SB546,19,1714 (d) A minor aged 14 to 17 who is under the supervision of an adult may purchase
15or possess cigarettes or tobacco products for the sole purpose of assisting in the
16performance of governmental or nongovernmental research, as approved by the local
17health department, to monitor compliance with this section.
SB546, s. 46 18Section 46. 254.92 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB546,20,1619 254.92 (3) Defense of retailer, manufacturer, distributor, jobber or
It is an affirmative defense to any prosecution for the sale of cigarettes
21or tobacco products to a minor in violation of sub. (1) (a) that a retailer, manufacturer,
22distributor, jobber or subjobber or the employe or agent of a retailer, manufacturer,
23distributor, jobber or subjobber who sold cigarettes or tobacco products to a minor
24had requested from the minor and had examined an identification card that
25established the minor's age as at least 18 before selling the cigarettes or tobacco

1products to the minor. Failure by the retailer or the employe or agent of the retailer
2to request from a minor and examine such an identification card before selling
3cigarettes or tobacco products to the minor is conclusive evidence that the retailer
4has violated sub. (1) (a). Failure by the manufacturer or the employe or agent of the
5manufacturer to request from a minor and examine such an identification card
6before selling cigarettes or tobacco products to the minor is conclusive evidence that
7the manufacturer has violated sub. (1) (a). Failure by the distributor or the employe
8or agent of the distributor to request from a minor and examine such an identification
9card before selling cigarettes or tobacco products to the minor is conclusive evidence
10that the distributor has violated sub. (1) (a). Failure by the jobber of the agent or
11employe of the jobber to request from a minor and examine such an identification
12card before selling cigarettes or tobacco products to the minor is conclusive evidence
13that the jobber has violated sub. (1) (a). Failure by the subjobber or the agent or
14employe of the subjobber to request from a minor and examine such an identification
15card before selling cigarettes or tobacco products to the minor is conclusive evidence
16that the subjobber has violated sub. (1) (a).
SB546, s. 47 17Section 47. 254.922 of the statutes is created to read:
SB546,20,24 18254.922 Assessment of forfeitures; appeal; judicial review. (1) The
19department may directly assess forfeitures provided for under s. 254.914 (7) or
20254.92 (4). If the department determines that a forfeiture should be assessed for a
21particular violation or for failure to correct it, the department shall send a notice of
22assessment to the alleged violator. The notice shall specify the amount of the
23forfeiture assessed, the violation and the statute or rule alleged to have been violated
24and shall inform the alleged violator of the right to hearing under sub. (3).
1(2) A forfeiture may be assessed for each day of the period during which the
2violation occurred.
SB546,21,7 3(3) All forfeitures shall be paid to the department within 10 days after receipt
4of notice of assessment or, if the forfeiture is contested under sub. (4), within 10 days
5after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of administrative review, unless
6the final decision is appealed. The department shall remit all forfeitures paid to the
7state treasurer for deposit in the school fund.
SB546,21,19 8(4) A person who is assessed a forfeiture under sub. (1) may contest the
9assessment of the forfeiture by sending, within 10 days after receipt of notice of a
10contested action, a written request for hearing under s. 227.44 to the division of
11hearings and appeals in the department of administration. The administrator of the
12division may designate a hearing examiner to preside over the case and recommend
13a decision to the administrator under s. 227.46. The decision of the administrator
14of the division shall be the final administrative decision. The division shall
15commence the hearing within 30 days after receipt of the request for hearing and
16shall issue a final decision within 15 days after the close of the hearing. Proceedings
17before the division are governed by ch. 227. In any petition for judicial review of a
18decision by the division, the party, other than the petitioner, who was in the
19proceeding before the division shall be the named respondent.
SB546,21,25 20(5) (a) All administrative remedies shall be exhausted before an agency
21determination under this subchapter shall be subject to judicial review. Final
22decisions after hearing shall be subject to judicial review exclusively as provided in
23s. 227.52, except that any petition for review of department action under this
24subchapter shall be filed within 15 days after receipt of notice of the final agency
1(b) The court may stay enforcement under s. 227.54 of the department's final
2decision if a showing is made that there is a substantial probability that the party
3seeking review will prevail on the merits and will suffer irreparable harm if a stay
4is not granted, and that the party will meet the requirements of this subchapter and
5the rules promulgated under this subchapter during such stay.
SB546,22,86 (c) The attorney general may delegate to the department the authority to
7represent the state in any action brought to challenge department decisions prior to
8exhaustion of administrative remedies and final disposition by the department.
SB546,22,12 9(6) The attorney general may bring an action in the name of the state to collect
10any forfeiture imposed under this subchapter if the forfeiture has not been paid
11following the exhaustion of all administrative and judicial reviews. The only issue
12to be contested in any such action shall be whether the forfeiture has been paid.
SB546, s. 48 13Section 48. 778.25 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB546,22,1615 778.25 (1) (a) 4. Under s. 48.983 254.92 (2) brought against a minor in the court
16assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938.
SB546, s. 49 17Section 49. Initial applicability; health and social services.
SB546,22,20 18(1) Cigarette and tobacco products retailer license. The treatment of
19section 134.65 of the statutes first applies to new or renewed licenses issued under
20section 254.914 of the statutes, as affected by this act, on July 1, 1996.
SB546,22,23 21(2) Penalties for certain violations. The treatment of sections 48.983 (2),
22134.65 (5), 134.66 (4) and (5) and 254.922 of the statutes first applies to violations
23committed on the effective date of this subsection.
SB546, s. 50 24Section 50. Effective date.
1(1)This act takes effect on July 1, 1996, or on the day after publication,
2whichever is later.
SB546,23,33 (End)